Srila Prabhupada Disciple Profile Ragatmika Dasi concluded that…

Srila Prabhupada Disciple Profile

Ragatmika Dasi concluded that the goal of life was to “merge with the totality of spirit.” However, not wanting to achieve liberation alone, she wished to share her new-found discoveries with her friends. In pursuance of meeting them, she had a timely meeting with Bhuta Bhavana das on the subway in 1971, who told her that “Buddhists want to go home alone, but devotees of Krishna want to take others with them.” This resonated deeply with her. He invited her to the Sunday Love Feast the next day. Having previously gotten a BTG in Central Park, wherein there was an article describing the four regulative principles of freedom, which had appealed to her, she felt she had nothing left to do in this world but go to that Sunday feast. At the Brooklyn Temple, hearing the Panca Tattva mantra brought tears to her eyes. The story of “Liquid Beauty” also impressed her. When it came to honoring prasadam, she not only ate the prasadam from her own plate, but also the remnants from all the other plates at the Sunday program, disregarding her identification as a macrobiotic. She finally felt “at home.” The next day (4th of July) she was in a sari on Jones Beach, distributing BTG’s with the devotees.

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