Attention! Don’t go down to the banks of the Yamuna and hear…

Attention! Don’t go down to the banks of the Yamuna and hear Krishna’s flute!
The Flute Player of Vrindavan: Srimati Radharani, the eternal divine consort of Sri Krishna, is known as the Queen of Vrindavan. Vrindavan is where Krishna loves to be, because of Her love – and the love of all those who live there.
Vrindavan is at the center of the lotus of the spiritual world – no place is sweeter or more beautiful because it is saturated in the purest, most intimate love for Krishna. It is there that every word is a song, and every step is a dance. And the flute is Krishna’s constant companion.
As we approach Radhastami we can relish Vrindavan and Radharani’s love for Krishna and be inspired to seek shelter and inspiration there. It is asked – As Krishna plays the flute to call Radharani, why is He still playing His flute on the altar if Radha is standing beside Him. Who is He calling? It is answered that He plays the flute to call all of us.
Don’t go down to the banks of the Yamuna
and hear Krishna’s flute
for your life will never be the same
The bamboo flute causes rivers to flow backwards,
stones to melt, and animals to stand still,
Some tunes call the cows home and others,
especially the fifth note, pulls the hearts of the gopis
to the dark forest, to meet their Lord
and they dance and dance until the sun comes up
and then curse the sun and run home
brimming with love and happiness
The flute calls all of us
If we listen, if we allow ourselves to hear
It is softer than breath, and quieter than a heartbeat
It is hidden deep within the sacred names of Krishna,
Just try to hear yourself chant sincerely, Prabhupada said
Trust the mantra to lead us to the right place
To bring us to life – in love, in service, in essence
In relationship with Krishna.


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