The Holy Appearance Day of His Divine Grace Srila A.C….

The Holy Appearance Day of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Maharaja
When Nanda Maharaja is observing a great festival for the appearance day of his beloved son, Sri Krsna, that very day Krsna’s very dear devotee, very intimate devotee, His own man, has appeared.
What is the necessity of the Vaisnavas coming here? Sadhu-vaisnavas, Krsna’s own men are always with Krsna in that sat-cid-ananda-maya-dhama. Those who have attained Krsna, only see krsna-sambandha, the relationship with Krsna. They see how everyone, everything, every object is related to Krsna. Krsna is the only relationship. Krsna nitya-sambandha — every jiva has a perfect, eternal, loving relationship with Krsna. A completely Krsna conscious person has this vision. For that premi-bhakta Krsna is his most beloved and Krsna is his object of love. Krsna prananatha — Krsna is the Lord of his heart. The premi-bhakta, Vaisnava sees that everything, every jiva is related to Krsna in this loving relationship. Therefore how can he tolerate the suffering of Krsna’s jiva? His heart bleeds seeing the jivas who are suffering because of their forgetfulness of Krsna and forgetfulness of their relationship with Him. They are bereft of Krsna consciousness therefore they are suffering. This is the only cause. Sadhu Vaisnava knows the cause very well. If they will develop Krsna consciousness, that lost consciousness and become completely Krsna conscious, then there will be no more suffering. They will go back home to Godhead.
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