Whom to Worship?

Hare KrishnaBy Gauranga Dasa

Why only Krishna? Typically in Indian homes of Hindu families you see a whole bunch of gods on the altar. All are same, they say. But it is not like that. If you take group photo of Microsoft employees with Bill Gates and show it to a villager in India, and ask who is who, what will he say? “Everyone is the same, everyone is okay.” He cannot detect the difference, because he doesn’t have any information. Similarly if you take pictures of so many gods and put Krishna in the middle and say they are all same, is that correct? No, there is a difference. And who knows the difference? Only one who has some idea about that field. To get spiritual knowledge you have to get into this field, and take the time and effort to understand deeply. We cannot afford to have a layman’s attitude in spirituality and still hope to understand all the answers clearly.


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