Becoming Free From The Flaw Of Envy

Hare KrishnaBy Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

"The word ‘envy’ is applied in many places and is used in connection to various things – envy of another’s good fortune, being disturbed at seeing the wealth of others, displeasure and jealousy etc. are some of the various examples. Wherever the word ‘matsarya’ (envy) has been explained in the Vaisnava scriptures, it is fully understood that its influence is the competitor of divine love (prema). dharmah projjhita-kaitavo ‘tra paramo nirmatsaranam satam "The path described in the Bhagavatam is entirely devoid of any dishonest purpose. It is held in adoration by those who are free of the flaw of envy." (Bhag.1.1.2) In these words of the Srimad Bhagavatam, it has been revealed who is eligible to receive the highest conception of dharma.


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