Almvik news - ISKCON Sweden. This is the first issue of Almvik...

Almvik news - ISKCON Sweden.
This is the first issue of Almvik news. We of course already have Almviksnytt and the protocols from the board, but the first is a more public publication aimed at preaching and inspiration and the latter a bit dry in form. The Almvik news will on the other hand contain the smaller news, those things that easily pass by unnoticed but which nevertheless often are important. We also hope that this attempt will improve the communication from the board to the villagers. We’ve chosen to write in English so that the majority of the villagers will be able to read it.

Painting of Sri Sri Panca-Tattva

Sriprada dasi has spent many hours painting Sri Sri Panca-Tattva during the last week. Once a year all the colour has to be removed completely and then their Lordships are freshly painted again. This is a demanding service and takes a lot of time. The altar has been closed during certain aratiks because of this. The whole process of painting Sri Sri Panca-Tattva will continue for a few more weeks. Thank you so much for your service Sriprada!

Repairing temple ceiling
There was suddenly a big crack in the temple ceiling last week and Dimitri and Mahesh have been working during the last week to repair the damage and they are almost finished with the work.

Sunday feast organisation
A new Sunday feast group was formed a few weeks ago that is organising the Sunday feast from now on. The group members are Narada, Ramai, Shyami, Lakshman and Ananda. They organize most of the aspects of the Sunday feast such as making sallad and sweet, washing of dishes and cleaning of the kitchen, prasadam room etc. So far they’ve done a lot by themselves but they are planning to compile a schedule so that more devotees can be practically involved. So far they’ve done a great job!

We would like to sincerely thank Anantaraja prabhu for his dedicated service for the Sunday feast, he has both been buying the bhoga and cooking most of the Sunday feasts for many months now. Hopefully more devotees will soon want to join in the cooking, but Anantaraja has expressed willingness to cook whenever needed so practically, the Sunday feast is sustained thanks to his dedicated service at the moment.

New years harinam
We haven’t heard of any details, but as far as we’re aware it will be the same procedure as last year (and the years before).

Goshalla news
A nice devotee couple with a two year old daughter from Slovakia with years of experience of caring for cows and training oxen has shown interest in joining Almvik and taking care of the goshalla here. If nothing unexpected happens they’ll join us by the end of February approximately. They will then have a trial period of a year. We hope it will work out well.

Prabhupada marathon

Janesvara prabhu is organizing the book distribution this month from Almvik as he did also last year. He is himself going out every day(!) and some of the boys, Narada, Ramai, Ananda, Shyami and Lakshman have been enthusiastically joining him after school on certain days. All glories to the sankirtan devotees!

A wall in one of the rooms upstairs in the guesthouse has been renovated by Gergely. There used to be a kitchen in that room and the wall looked ugly due to some plastic that was left on the wall. Now the plastic is gone and the wall has been repainted. Outside the guesthouse a handrail has been put up by the stairs so that guests can walk safely up and down the stairs in the winter.

Lalita Sakhi Devi dasi
Lalita Sakhi has moved back to Almvik. This time she is renting a room in the guesthouse. She is happy to be back and to see the positive change in the temple programs thanks to our enthusiastic youth. She will do different services like taking care of volonteers and engaging them, sewing, helping to take care of the guesthouse, helping in the temple kitchen etc.

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