Communist plot plants snakes in the living quarters of Mayapur!…

Communist plot plants snakes in the living quarters of Mayapur! :-)
“OOOHHH! Prabhupa-da!” he dramatically exclaimed. “There is a snake in your bathroom! We need help! Let’s call Rasaparayana!” Rasaparayana was known as the big, strong, temple “ksatriya.” “Come on. Let’s call Rasaparayana!” Bhavananda yelled, as we ran out of S'ri-la Prabhupa-da’s quarters. We effectively terminated S'ri-la Prabhupa-da’s tranquil darshan. S'ri-la Prabhupa-da and his disciples left the room and went on the verandah. A couple of devotees went into the bathroom to search for the serpent while the others stayed on the porch. S'ri-la Prabhupa-da was undisturbed and quietly chanted japa, walking back and forth on the verandah.
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