We might take the “As It Is” in our Bhagavad-gita title for granted. All authors want to be different and original. With many versions of Bhagavad-gita already available, Srila Prabhupada’s “As It Is” addition was a very bold and provocative one. He is saying, “this is it, how it should be, the definitive and genuine Bhagavad-gita”. Who else can claim this with confidence? Considering that there are many ways of looking at Krishna’s song of wisdom, and studying it from different angles of vision, it is all the more brazen to say, “As It Is”. What confidence Srila Prabhupada had. It was not blind confidence that sought to be different and original for the sake of it. Though “As It Is” appeared to be different and original, his conviction was such that he could say how God spoke Bhagavad-gita. This chimes with his ability to say, “this is a fact, and that is a fact”.