Invitation to the 10th Hare Krishna Convention Malaysia 2016.
Dear Devotees, Friends and Supporters,
We are officially announcing this year national convention. To give you small summary on what’s in store we will have to go back to 1971.
Srila Prabhupada visited Malaysia in 1971. Here, Srila Prabhupada continued his vigorous preaching programmes, covering 4 major towns from central to north Malaysia within 5 days. While pursuing the purpose he came for, in that trip, he visioned a temple. Our very first Radha Krishna temple in Malaysia ,The Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Devotion & Understanding was opened on Balarama Purnima, August 29 last year in Penang .
This year is ISKCON’s 50th anniversary. All over the globe ISKCON centres are celebrating this 50th anniversary with great pomp. Every activity whether it is street chanting, Ratha Yatra, book distribution, prasadam distribution, knocking on doors preaching, etc are being multiplied this year. Even temples are being built to commemorate the 50th anniversary.
ISKCON Malaysia similarly is focusing on and pushing ahead congregational preaching through the door to door Gita Upadesham, Bhakti Vrksa and public programmes. The Mahabharata quiz competition amongst Tamil school children is another innovative programme to educate children and grab the attention of the teachers. Thousands of school children are taking part all around the country.
And now, for this year, ISKCON Malaysia will have a Maha gathering of devotees from not only all over Malaysia but from all over Asia and other parts of the world. In the heart of it the ISKCON youths of Malaysia are thinking of starting a revolution, a spiritual revolution as seen fit, as a tribute to the 50th anniversary of ISKCON.
In celebration of the glorious 50th Anniversary of ISKCON, ISKCON Malaysia is bringing back the 10th National Convention. This will be a FOUR day event, from Thursday the 15th September 2016 till Sunday the 18th September 2016, which will be held at the Temple of Devotion and Understanding (TODU), Penang. Bring along your family and friends to join us. First class Kirtan, Bhajans, Prasadam, Arati, Yoga, Seminars, Workshops etc await you.
World renowned swamis such as the Governing Body Commissioners for ISKCON Malaysia and world itinerant preacher Srila Jayapataka Swami and Srila Bhanu Swami, ISKCON Malaysia President Srila Bhakti Vrajendranandana Swami, China mission preacher Bhakti Vigna Vinasa Narasimha Swami, and Nitai Priya prabhu would also be there to get everyone swirling and dancing. HH Bhaktivinoda Swami an expert invited to rekindle the local youth development scene. World renowned Mahabharata and Ramayana speakers HG Jagat Saksi prabhu and HG Markendaya Rsi prabhu, would be here to transport us to a higher dimension with their expert narrations. From the Congregational Development Ministry, HG Iksvaku prabhu would be present. An event like this does not come every year or every 10 years. It is once in 50 years.
The theme for the convention this year is rEVOLution: Be the change you seek. We are striving to give each devotee an experience of genuine protection and inspiration to remain happy, enthusiastic and grateful to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission throughout their lives. We see this as a great opportunity to bring devotees together in a mood to Enrich, Grow and Contribute.
We would like to cordially invite each and every one of you. Please consider this as our personal invitation and we hope each of you will be able to join this year and help us start a spiritual revolution.
You can register now at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NFdUbnmbvUZ44DDhK1OUpiD4w_maxISRvSRRz3PbIeE/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link
Watch our video teaser at https://youtu.be/zVOqakyZ90Q
For more information, please visit us at http://todu.my/10th-iskcon-malaysia-convention/ or follow us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/events/1695411764052082/
Thank you for your support.
Your Servants
The National Convention Team