The Mercy of Lord Gauranga just in time! Radharani Devi Dasi:…

The Mercy of Lord Gauranga just in time!
Radharani Devi Dasi: This incident happened some time ago: I was distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Nevada, USA. We stopped at a gas station to get some gas and water. When I got out of the van I saw one man that looked like he would be receptive to the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So I approached him and explained the book to him, sure enough he was interested, gave a donation and took a book.
Then I went into the store, while I was in the store I heard shooting and then cars screaching out of the parking lot. After I heard that the shooting was over I went outside with some other people from the store. The man that got the book was laying dead on the seat of his car, his hand clutching onto the book.
Myself and another devotee were shocked about what had just happened, but then we thought, “this person received the mercy just in time”. Another minute or two and he wouldn’t have been so fortunate. Prabhupada said, “If they just touch the book so much benefit will be there”. What to speak if they touch it, appreciate it, and give a donation for it.
Transcendental book distribution ki Jaya!!


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