We Are Not The Body, But…

Hare KrishnaBy Kesava Krsna Dasa

Because we think we are “not the body”, it can lead us to do so many wrong things in the name of Bhakti. It can induce false detachment and renunciation. That is, pushing oneself to be detached without spiritual taste to replace it – it becomes an off-the-body form of mind and body deprivation that does not last, because it is exerted by passion, not natural spiritual progress. An artificial renouncer might think, “I am denying myself of all trappings of sense gratification, so why should others also not share in my renunciation?” Because one is depriving oneself and demands others to do the same, is a reflection of envy. Self-punishment is not the way to get off the bodily platform. It can turn us into impersonalists by our actions and words. This is, because we think I am not the body and everyone else is not the body, we must not attach much importance to the body, meaning it is not important how others feel emotionally to our vigorous application of chastisement, strictness, conformity, and other demands. Bhakti is a voluntary offering of mind, body and words in love.


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