Srila Prahbupada and Moon Landings

Hare KrishnaBy Sitalatma das​

The subject of Moon landings has been contentious for devotees since forever and it is often cited as a reason to accuse us of shutting down our intelligence and blindly following gurus, or, even worse, as a reason to attack Śrīla Prabhupāda's integrity. The fact that we don't have an official position on it doesn't help either, leaving each one of us to our own devices. There must be devotees who made their peace with it and take one of Prabhupāda's explanations as a shared truth between them and can't care less what the rest of the world thinks about it. Intruding into these personal relationships would be inappropriate. Yet there are also devotees who simply don't know what to say and try to avoid the topic if it comes up or blurt out the first thing that comes to their minds. One such strategy is to compare Prabhupāda's Moon statements with the bulk of his spiritual message and declare them insignificant. This is a tacit admission that Prabhupāda was wrong. There are also devotees who go into Moon landing conspiracy and continue arguing that it was a hoax, often coupled with arguments that the Earth is really flat and NASA has been lying to people about every aspect of their programs and all other world space agencies and governments are in on it. This makes for a lively debate but also makes them look insane in the eyes of many.


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