Gita Jayanti Celebrations in Vrindavan

Hare Krishna Vrndavan Krishna Balarama Mandir celebrated its 19th Annual Recitation of the Sanskrit verses of the Gita Mahatmya and the Bhagavad Gita in the temple courtyard 19 Dec. 18, Moksada Ekadasi. It was a wonderful Community Event and we thank everyone for their participation, including the chanters and those who helped set things up. We began by 9:30 a.m. with a short aroti to the Bhagavad Gita, and finished the ecstatic recitation just before 12 noon, followed with Ekadasi Makana (lotus puff) Prasad, a big draw! That evening, our verse for the daily BG class was 7.18, given with video presentation by Sureshvara das.


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