What could be more astonishing than this? Kavicandra Swami:…

What could be more astonishing than this?
Kavicandra Swami: Yesterday was a wake-up call day. I was asked to “bless” two cremations. Both were for elderly matajis who were serving up until the end, in spite of infirm bodies. The devotees, of course, were there and chanting. When we arrived at the second one the crematorium was so crowded that everything was behind schedule, so due to another temple program, I was not able to stay.
For the soul, there is neither birth nor death.
Every day, hundreds and millions of living entities go to the kingdom of death. Still, those who are remaining aspire for a permanent situation. What could be more astonishing than this?
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Mahabharata Vana-parva 313.116


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