Book Distribution week ending March 22, 2019 (Album of…

Book Distribution week ending March 22, 2019 (Album of photos)
Mohanasini Devi Dasi: From the Nectar of Book Distribution, “In summary, book distribution is an urgent need. Srila Prabhupada stressed it, and the perilous situation of the world demands it. So we should recognize the importance of book distribution now. And now means today without delay. Why procrastinate? Why wait? The world won’t improve by itself. At every moment people die and miss the chance of getting a book. What is their fate?
Please click on the pics to see what these fortunate people think.
Book totals: 12 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers, 12 Perfection of Yoga, 6 Chant and Be Happy, 133 Higher Taste Cookbooks, 112 softbound Bhagavad Gitas, 1 hardbound Bhagavad Gita and 2 Srimad Bhagavatams Total: 278 books.


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