Krishna selected banyan tree, the example of nature, to make easier our understanding how material entanglement is intricate. Banyan has one unique feature – from its branches grow secondary roots, which in time grow down to the ground to grow in the ground. In this way, in due course of time, from one tree whole forest will grow, so that the original trunk of the tree and the original root, from which everythinng grew up, can not be found any more. Similarly, living entities falling into material world loose orientation very soon, which way is root of their existence. Original root of this asvattha tree is on Brahmaloka or Satyaloka. Secondary roots extend everywhere (anusantatani), in the direction of planets of humans, down (adhah) under Brahmaloka, and they cause cycle in implication of activities (karmanubandhini). It means that after exhausting accumulated pious or sinful fruits of own activities, living entities return via these secondary roots to human spheres, where by their own action (karma) sink many further secondary roots due to no interest for finding out original main root and extricating from this forest of implication – therefore karmanubandhini.