Evolution -- Where Does the Evidence Lead? (video) A scientific review of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The evolution theory proposed by Charles Darwin has been very widely embraced by the scientific community and as a result we have a cultural belief that everything we see around us is simply a result of random chance chemical combinations and there is no need to resort to any intelligence or design behind the creation. So this wide acceptance of Darwins theory of evolution is more philosophical than scientific. The scientists want a theory to explain the creation of everything without the need to accept there is a creator and a purpose behind the creation. So Darwin has given us the first and, so far, only feasible explanation as to how everything could have come into existence simply by chance, with no intelligence, not creator, just random chance. The process of natural selection Darwin observed during his research in the Galapagos Islands is a real process. Animal and plant breeders have successfully using this process of selective breeding to produce faster racehorses, white rabbits and beautiful roses. So it is not strange that Darwin noticed that finches on the Galapagos islands who had beaks that enabled them to take advantage of a food source that finches without such beaks survived and became prominent while the others died out. But it takes a great leap of faith to propose that this natural selection is powerful enough to take a single cell organism that somehow magically appears in a "primordial soup" and gradually, through natural selection, step-by-step, with each step providing an advantage to survival over the previous step, take this single cell organism and produce all the variety of life we see on the planet now... Darwin imagined that the cells, the building blocks of life, would be simple. But actually, as we have developed electron microscopes and are now able to see the workings within the cells, we have discovered that cells are extremely complex... This film scientifically investigates the likelihood and possibility of such a complex system as we find within even one cell could be created by the random chance mutations. Watch it here: https://bit.ly/3GQEglA


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