Srila Prabhupada’s Example as the Perfect Disciple by Mahatma Das. The video discusses the importance of following the example of Srila Prabhupada, who deeply understood the teachings of his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisidhanta, and dedicated his life to spreading Krishna consciousness. Despite receiving the order to spread Krishna consciousness in English at a young age, it was not until Prabhupada was 69 years old that he was able to come to America and fully execute the order. Prabhupada understood deeply that his spiritual master had instructed him to write and print books, and this became his primary focus in spreading Krishna consciousness. While there may be questions about the value and effectiveness of distributing books, Prabhupada’s unwavering commitment to following the orders of his spiritual master serves as an example for all disciples to follow. Highlights: – Srila Prabhupada understood deeply the teachings of his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisidhanta – Prabhupada’s primary focus in spreading Krishna consciousness was writing and printing books – Despite questions about the value and effectiveness of book distribution, Prabhupada remained committed to following the orders of his spiritual master – Prabhupada’s dedication serves as an example for all disciples to follow in deeply understanding and following the instructions of their spiritual masters. To read the complete article and/or watch the video please click here:


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