What About the Dinosaurs?. Janakirama Dasa: Can I ask a question of Sadaputa? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself now, [will] talk about it in my talk, but I just wanted your feedback on it. You’ve spent a lot of time trying to look at the Bhagavatam in a scientific way and to show how it has scientific relevance, but what’s the point of doing that, why bother doing that? Why do you do that? Sadaputa Dasa: Why do I do that? Jrd: Yeah, that’s my question. Spd: Ultimately it has to do with facilitating people’s faith, because for some reason the Bhagavatam was written with reference to things that impinge on science. This was on that one slide that I had there – scientific statements that would have an impact upon a scientific view of the world. So because those statements are there, you have to deal with them. For example, I mentioned the point that the Vedic literature tends to go against the theory of evolution, as it’s generally understood by scientists. So okay, here you are, you’re trained up believing in evolution from an early age; I mean for me it started with the world we live in, with the pictures of the dinosaurs and so forth. I think I first got that when I was about seven. Comment: Oh dear [laughter] … Spd: So it’s an early indoctrination [laughter]. But anyway, just to continue on this example, you come into contact with Krishna consciousness with a thoroughgoing belief in evolution. I remember being in harinam parties in Manhattan, we were there with mridangas and everything, and I was thinking, “What about the dinosaurs?” [laughter] To read the complete article and/or watch the video please click here: https://bit.ly/3miAavs


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