26 Second Avenue, Krishna consciousness, Matchless Gifts, New York

via goloka by visvambhara dasa on Aug 26, 2007

Speaker Series

26 Second Avenue presents an enlivening series of thematic classes:

Beyond Karma: Spiritual Perspectives on the Problem of Pain
By Vyenkata Bhatta das

9/18 - Session 1: Faith, God, and the Problem of Pain
9/25 - Session 2: "Why me, Lord?" - When Pain Becomes Personal
10/2 - Session 3: Going Beyond Karma - The Power of Compassion

See above for dates and times.

Howl Festival - September 6 @ 26 Second Avenue

The Vaishnava Academy for the Permorming Arts


Hare Krsna Howl: Poetry and Devotional Song (kirtana)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

@ 26 Second Avenue from 7pm - 9pm

Tel: (917) 952-8653

F train to Second Avenue or M15 bus to Houston


Bhagavat Life Japa Retreats - August & September

Take part in the life changing Japa Retreat hosted by Bhagavat Life. The retreat is available in two locations/dates:

  • August 8 - 12, 2007 - Wellspring Retreat Center in Germantown, MD
  • September 12 - 16, 2007 - Blue Ridge Mountains, GA

For more information, visit www.bhagavatlife.com or click image to download the flyer:

Japa Conference Calls

Rasala Krsna das from ISKCON Central NJ hosts a weekly Japa conference call on the first Sunday of the month and on Saturdays for the remainder of the month. On Saturdays devotees chant from 6am to 7am EST. Afterwards there is a class on Japa from 7:00am - 7:30am EST. The class is followed by a 5-10 minute Q & A. On Sundays the Japa class begins at 8:00am. Each week there is a different speaker including many Prabhupada disciples from different parts of the country. Please write to rshukla108@yahoo.com or call 732-770-4434 during evenings to be added to the weekly email distribution list.

The telephone conference access details are as follows:

  • Dial telephone # 605-475-6222
  • When prompted for a conference code enter 108108 followed by #
  • Press 6 to mute/unmute your phone once connected to the conference call

All invited to attend this inspirational weekly activity!

Upcoming Speakers & Events

Every Tuesday and Friday, 26 Second Avenue hosts spiritual programs where everyone enjoys:

Program Schedule
Tuesdays 7:00 - 7:30pm - Kirtan/Bhajan
7:30 - 8:30pm - Class
8:30pm - Vegetarian feast
7:00 - 8:30pm - Class
8:30 - 9:00pm - Kirtan/Bhajan
9:00pm - Vegetarian feast

It's a great opportunity to be engaged and inspired in bhakti-yoga. See below for a list of upcoming speakers.

Day Speakers / Events
Tuesday, August 28

Lord Balaram's Appearance Day

No program at 26 Second Avenue. Program at Brooklyn Temple.

Friday, August 31 Radha Vallabha das
Tuesday, September 4

Lord Krishna's Appearance Day (Janmasthami)

Celebration @ Brooklyn Temple

Wednesday, September 5

Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day

Celebration @ Brooklyn Temple

Friday, September 7 Gadadhara Pandit das
Tuesday, September 11 Janananda Goswami
Friday, September 14 Janananda Goswami
Tuesday, September 18

Vyenkata Bhatta das

Beyond Karma: Spiritual Perspectives on the Problem of Pain (Session 1)

Wednesday, September 19

Srimati Radharani's Appearnve Day (Radhasthami)

Celebration @ Brooklyn Temple

Tuesday, September 25

Vyenkata Bhatta das

Beyond Karma: Spiritual Perspectives on the Problem of Pain (Session 2)

Friday, September 28 TBA
Tuesday, October 2

Vyenkata Bhatta das

Beyond Karma: Spiritual Perspectives on the Problem of Pain (Session 3)


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