Hare Krishna! Real Knowledge Changed My Life It was at a tent…

Hare Krishna! Real Knowledge Changed My Life

It was at a tent program in the center of Mumbai during a warm March evening in 1971 that I first encountered actual knowledge. Srila Prabhupada was speaking, and although I missed much of what he said because of his accent, I sensed that I was hearing something worlds apart from all that I’d ever heard before. The experience was scary but exhilarating, and something in me that had been sleeping began to stir. Because Prabhupada was noble, learned, and gentlemanly, despite myself (I was an atheist at the time) I respected and had some faith in him and wanted to understand what he was saying. So I listened to him and his followers.

Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16552


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