Devahuti’s choice vs Your Choice of a Potential Husband (7…

Devahuti’s choice vs Your Choice of a Potential Husband (7 min video)
The Srimad Bhagavatam gives us the example of Princess Devahuti.She was the daughter of King Manu who was the governor not of a village , or a state , or a country, or a planet - but he was the governor of the entire universe. She grew up with incomparable opulence, with many jewels, maidservants, royal palaces and loving parents. She was one of the most beautiful women of the world. She was seeking a suitable husband in terms of age, character and good qualities. The moment she heard about the sage Kardama Muni she set her mind and heart on him. Not because she saw him as the knight in the shining Armor who would rescue her from her emotional and mental problems and not because she saw him as someone who would meet her needs. Her view of marriage was aligned to the principle of marriage elucidated by her spiritual masters,her spiritual guides and the scriptures of the Bhakti Tradition - i.e. husband and wife serve Lord Krsna nicely and help each other advance in spiritual life. In this way both the husband and wife become true benefactors for one another.
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