Have you heard of “Mistik Pizza”?(4 min video)
Turin Hare Krishna Cultural Center in Italy has celebrated the 2nd Anniversary.
It is a miraculous story like the ones of Srila Prabhupada! Prabhu das, Hayagriva das and Abhiram das came to Turin, Italy, to establish ISKCON Turin with nothing in their hands. It was a mission given to them by H.G. MadhuSevita Prabu.
They had only their camper and a desire to give the Holy Name to the city of Turin. With the power of sadhana bhakti, they started preaching and distributing books in Turin and the little cities around the town.
On the way, Bhakta Simone joined them. At the end of the first year, they have already established Hare Krishna Cultural Center, performed programs during the week, organized Sunday Feast every Sunday, distributed food at the homeless shelters of Turin.
They financed everything with donations and by distributing books of Srila Prabhupada. Krsna was generous to their sincere efforts.
Bhaktya Labhya Prabhu and his family was a big help from the start to this transcendental team by always going to the center once a month, cooking and giving lectures right from the start. Mercifully, Sannyasis and elevated Vaishnavas go there to give lectures like H.H. Krishna Kshetra Swami, H.G. Madhu Sevita Prabhu, H.G. Param Gati Prabhu, Ali Krishna Mataji, Gandharvika Mataji, Kaunteya Prabu, Praghosh Prabhu, Harikirtan Prabhu and Parabhakti Prabhu.
Now, they have celebrated the second anniversary and they showed us the power of service attitude. They have doubled the amount of visitors. They have fixed programs during the week. They have created nice relations with the Municipality of Turin and get their support. This enthusiastic bhaktas are already looking forward to create a bigger center to have more guests and to give more service.
Citra Karuni devi dasi / Turin / Italy
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/RTmCka