Interesting highlights of classes by several speakers

Hare KrishnaBy Krishna-kripa das

I share notes on a lecture by Srila Prabhupada. I share excerpts from Sri Ksetra, a glorification of Jagannatha Puri by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura disciple Sripada Sundarananda Vidyavinoda, soon to be published by Touchstone Publishing. I share excerpts from the books and poems of Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami. I share notes on Janananda Goswami’s talk from the Antwerp Ratha-yatra stage. I share notes on classes in Paris by Janananda Goswami, Nitai Gaurasundara Prabhu, Bhavasindhu Prabhu, Raja Dharma Prabhu, Vicaru Prabhu, Aksayananda Prabhu, and Tamoha Prabhu. I share excerpts from articles in Back to Godhead, Vol. 51, No. 5 (Sept. / Oct. 2017) by Satyaraja Prabhu, Karuna Dharini Devi Dasi, and Hari Parayana Prabhu. I share an excerpt from Gitanagari Prabhu’s travel journal, and I also include one personal realization.


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