The Place Where Lord Nrsimhadeva Came To Take Rest And Wash The Blood From His Hands After Killing Hiranyakasipu. Sri Nrsimhapalli is located on the eastern and southern boundaries of Navadvipa Dhama and is known by the names Nrsimha Puri and Devapalli (neighbourhood of the Devas). This temple is famous since Satya-yuga when Lord Nrsimhadeva came here to take rest and wash the blood from His hands after bestowing His mercy on Prahlada by killing his demoniac father Hiranyakasipu. Next to the temple is a lake left behind by the Mandakini River that flowed here at that time. When Lord Nrsimhadeva arrived here, He drank the sweet water of this river to refresh Himself and also washed the blood of Hiranyakasipu from His hands. Knowing that Lord Nrsimhadeva had come to take rest here, all the demigods followed Him, constructed large palaces and worshipped Him with great opulence. The changing course of the Mandakini River covered the demigod palaces and destroyed them and all that remains of them now are the hills that surround this area. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates used to come here regularly to discuss Lord Nrsimha-katha and perform Harinam Sankirtana. The Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust built the kirtana hall here.