A Small Special School – Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula

Hare KrishnaBy Bhaktivedanta Manor School

A quick glimpse into the Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula, the new temporary location on the Hilton property site in Watford. See how free and happy the children are and where they develop their connection with Krishna and Srila Prabhupada's movement. Why parents put their children into Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula: Some of the parents of the Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula give their opinions of why they feel the Gurukula is the natural and perfect choice for their children and what makes it so special. I don't want any child to say to their parents 'why did you put me in a Hare Krishna School.' Mother Gunacuda talks passionately about why being a teacher at Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula is such an important service and how giving students the best academics alongside love and care will ensure that these beautiful children will remain part of Lord Chaitanya's movement.


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