Kirtan London’s summer of success!
This year, Kirtan London is reaching out even wider than ever before with many more outreach kirtan (music) events in London: 1. Mantra Lounge – Kirtan evenings in Covent Garden have become weekly in frequency since the beginning of the year, with 40-50 people attending every session. 2. Pop-up Temple at the Wellbeing Festival (Mind Body Spirit) in May: - over 700 people participated in kirtan and japa meditation sessions; - over 900 prasadam sweets distributed; - 340 medium and 90 big books on spiritual topics sold, and - over 300 sets of japa chanting beads have been given out to eager participants. 3. Kirtan at Triyoga - Since March 2018 the team has been running weekly sessions at Triyoga Shoreditch, one of the branches of the prestigious yoga studio in London. 4. Barefoot in The Park – in July, the team held a big 6 Hour Kirtan and picnic at the Hyde Park Bandstand. Over 500 people attended throughout the day with many more passers-by enjoying the kirtans. 5. For those who want to dive deeper into the bhakti yoga philosophy and practice, study Bhagavad Gita and learn more about kirtan and its roots, we have developed special courses, residential retreats and monthly Bhakti Sanga (reading group). We also continue to offer our guests regular day retreats at Bhaktivedanta Manor, with tours, workshops, kirtans and talks on bhakti-yoga (the yoga of devotion), as well as the quarterly 6 Hour Kirtan at the lovely Swiss Church in Covent Garden, which attracts 120150 people each time.