Flowers: the representation of the smile of Lord Krishna

Hare KrishnaBy

For the past 42 years, on the first Sunday in August the LA Hare Krishna Temple (ISKCON) hold a parade and festival at the famous tourist destination of Venice Beach, California. The festival is called Ratha Yatra - The Festival of the Chariots. Whilst thousands enjoy the day's festivities, few will see the days, weeks and months of planning that take place behind the scenes to create this event. Among the numerous departments responsible of bringing this festival to life, are the flower team. Consisting entirely of volunteers, this team's service starts weeks before the event itself, however the action really kicks in for the days leading up to the festival. This video is a humble offering to praise the wonderful volunteers who dedicate their time to decorating the ratha carts of Lord Jagannatha (the Lord of the Universe), His sister Lady Subhadra, and brother Baladeva. Flowers are the representation of the smile of Lord Krishna, and these wonderful devotees are beaming with smiles, as they create these decorations.


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