Reflections on the Bhakta Program for 2018 at Rupanuaga Vedic College, Kansas City, USA

Hare KrishnaBy Krishna Bhagavan dasa

In recent months RVC has added many new preaching programs including "Bhakti Vriksha" - a weekly program for congregation and temple members, First Friday Art gallery event in downtown Kansas City, and monday evening drum circles at a local park. RVC has taken up as its top priority to upgrade and update: many of the temple and bhakta ashram facilities, kitchen, prasadam*dining* room, basement hall, and other needs and requirements of the devotees. During 2018 the temple installed a completely new roof, installed a new AC system, updated the restrooms, and fixed other maintenance issues. At RVC, we are making our best efforts to make the "bhakta program" more enlivening, comfortable, and fulfilling.”


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