The story of the Polish Gita! TAKA JAKA JEST!

The story of the Polish Gita! TAKA JAKA JEST!
On May 27, Nandini Devi Dasi, manager of Viva Kultura, the organization that runs Indradyumna Maharaja’s summer tours and festival programs, ordered 3000 hardbound, full size, Polish Bhagavad-Gitas. The problem: the books had to arrive in Poland on June 20th. This gave the BBT less than a month to produce, print, bind and ship this title. We just could not say no because it is such a wonderful opportunity to distribute the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is to so many festival goers. The translation was more or less ready, but the book had always been printed from film. The challenge for our pre press team and Guru-Kripa Prabhu, the polish editor and proofreader, was to make the book print ready within 12 days, an almost impossible task. Everyone worked hard, practically around the clock, including the printer in Germany, and made this wonderful book appear in time for the summer tour.


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