Adventures in Service (video)

By Urban Devi

May 23 2021 Special Guest Mondakini Devi Dasi: I remember coming to the temple with two of my friends, and a beautiful kirtan—a very sacred kirtan—was in progress, probably led by Yamuna. We sat down and all of a sudden the devotees fell flat on the floor. Being polite young girls, we did the same for the first time in our lives. I was very curious and I wanted to see what was happening. I was thinking, “Why are they doing that?” I put my head up a little and I saw two beautiful golden feet passing by my head. I wanted to see to whom these feet belonged, and for the first time, at least in this life, I saw Srila Prabhupada. It was a very extraordinary scene. He was looking very aristocratic. To me he looked like the emperor of the world. But at the same time, he looked like the most humble sage in the creation. I was so surprised to see these two very different antinomic qualities in one person.

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