ISKCON Future Today-Conversation with next-generation leaders: Vrinda-Sundari Devi Dasi (video)
About Vrinda-sundari Devi Dasi
Vrindasundari devi dasi is co-director of ISKCON Denver temple along with her husband, and is opening a new community outreach project called Harmonist Sanctuary. She is a graduating student at GBC College, a certified Transformative Coach, and a home-schooling mother of two.
She met devotees in 2000 at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas where she was studying architecture. She began practicing Krishna Consciousness shortly after, in association with devotees of Bhaktivana Yoga Center. She married in 2004 and graduated with a BA in Textile Design from KU, receiving a grant for further independent studies in natural dyes and dye processes. In 2009, she moved to Denver, Colorado to assist in management and oversight of ISKCON Denver temple and has been serving there since then.
Watch it here: https://is.gd/8LdoHD