ISKCON and the Vaisnava Paradox.
By Sankirtana Das (ACBSP)
The Hindus who visit our Krishna temples perceive ISKCON as an orthodox movement, appreciating the traditional temple service and how beautifully the altars are maintained. Many of our western friends might appreciate the Krishna movement differently: as a modern and relevant movement which advocates vegetarianism, honors the Earth, and offers meditation through joyous singing and dancing.
One might say Vaisnavism is the most stable and orthodox of all the Vedic traditions. Everyone knows how at the dawn of creation, a lotus flower grew from Lord Vishnu’s navel, and upon opening gave birth to the four-headed Lord Brahma, Brahma was the first Jiva and the empowered creator of our universe. From his mouths emanated the Vedas, the ancient teachings. This spiritual linage came to be known as the Brahma Madhva Vaisnava Sampradaya.
Vaisnavism means to worship the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) exclusively, and not just worship Him as another deity in the pantheon of Vedic demigods, the controllers of universal affairs. In the Bhagavad Gita, 4th Chapter, Sri Krishna explains how time and again He appears in different ages to reestablish the understanding of the atma (the soul) and the paramatma (the Lord Within the Heart), along with the abiding principles of Dharma.
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