“Honoring the Departed Devotees” from Around the World.
Dear Friends,
Hare Krsna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Please watch our 20th Volume of Vaishnavas CARE International’s Slideshow “Honoring the Departed Devotees” from Around the World. Thank you to HG Dayavira dasa Prabhu in Hillsborough, North Carolina (U.S.) for producing these important slideshows so we can remember these great Vaishnavas who helped to spread Srila Prabhupada’s Sankirtan movement.
If you would like to include a departed devotee who was your loved one or friend, or a member of your congregation, kindly send us a photo (400 Pixels or greater) to: VCare108@yahoo.com.
Thank you!
With gratitude,
Your servants at Vaishnavas CARE International
To read the complete article and/or watch the video please click here: https://bit.ly/3iSGUhS