The Sweetness of Bhakti. By Subhag Swami Bhaktivinoda Thakur boldly proclaims, ‘sad-anga saranagati hoibe janhara,’ one who follows these six paths of surrender strictly, the result is ‘tahara prarthana sune sri nanda-kumara’. Krsna will respond to our prayer. Why is this so? Because Bhakti is cit-tattva. Devotional service, the Lord and His devotees do not belong to this material world but are of another. Cit means cognition. The spiritual world is cit jagat; a realm full of perception. You will pray and get the response. In this material world of dualities, such a place is difficult if not impossible to comprehend with. In that spiritual abode everything is conscious. The walls are conscious, the floor is conscious, the land is conscious. Everything is conscious! If you ask a stone to move then it will move. If you desire something from a tree it will fulfil your desire. The Goswamis used to live under a tree each night and the following night they would lie beneath a different tree. During that short period their’ desires, spiritual desires would be fulfilled. One of the most renowned illustrations of how the Lord reciprocates with His devotees is in the life of our great spiritual predecessor: Sripad Madhavendra Puri. Madhavendra Puri was always chanting Krsna’s names. He forgot eating, drinking and even sleeping to serve the Lord! But Krishna can never forget such a devotee. A little boy would visit Madhavendra Puri at the banks of Govinda Kunda as he chanted the names of the Lord. With His beautiful moonlike face he would exclaim, “He Baba! I have brought some milk for you. You are not eating or drinking and chanting the whole day! The local village ladies noticed you and therefore I came here with this milk. You are a sadhu and in our locality sadhus never go without something to eat!” To read the complete article and/or watch the video please click here:


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