Srila Prabhupada on Jesus Christ | Ramai Swami

Srila Prabhupada on Jesus Christ | Ramai Swami: n 1974, near ISKCON%u2019s center in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, %u015Ar%u012Bla Prabhup%u0101da and several of his disciples took a morning walk with father Emmanuel Jungclaussen, a Benedictine monk from Niederalteich Monastery. Noticing that %u015Ar%u012Bla Prabhup%u0101da was carrying meditation beads similar to the rosary, Father Emmanuel explained that he also chanted a constant prayer: %u201CLord Jesus Christ, be merciful unto us.%u201D The following conversation ensued. %u015Ar%u012Bla Prabhup%u0101da:�What is the meaning of the word�Christ? Father Emmanuel:�Christ�comes from the Greek word�Christos,�meaning %u201Cthe anointed one.%u201D %u015Ar%u012Bla Prabhup%u0101da:�Christos�is the Greek version of the word�K%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E47a. Father Emmanuel:�This is very interesting. %u015Ar%u012Bla Prabhup%u0101da:�When an Indian person calls on�K%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E47a, he often says, %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E6Da.%u201D�K%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E6Da�is a Sanskrit word meaning %u201Cattraction.%u201D So when we address God as %u201CChrist,%u201D %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E6Da,%u201D or %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E47a,%u201D we indicate the same all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. When Jesus said, %u201COur Father, who an in heaven, sanctified be Thy name,%u201D that name of God was %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E6Da%u201D or %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E47a.%u201D Do you agree? Father Emmanuel:�I think Jesus, as the son of God, has revealed to us the actual name of God: Christ. We can call God %u201CFather,%u201D but if we want to address Him by His actual name, we have to say %u201CChrist.%u201D %u015Ar%u012Bla Prabhup%u0101da:�Yes. %u201CChrist%u201D is another way of saying�K%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E6Da,�and %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E6Da%u201D is another way of pronouncing�K%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E47a,�the name of God. Jesus said that one should glorify the name of God, but yesterday I heard one theologian say that God has no name%u2014that we can call Him only %u201CFather.%u201D A son may call his father %u201CFather,%u201D but the father also has a specific name. Similarly, %u201CGod%u201D is the general name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose specific name is�K%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E47a. Therefore whether you call God %u201CChrist,%u201D %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E6Da,%u201D or %u201CK%u1E5B%u1E63%u1E47a,%u201D ultimately you are addressing the same Supreme Personality of Godhead.


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