Shastrakrit Das: This gentleman man from NY came up to my table asking if I have a Bhagavatam set , I asked how he knows about Bhagavatam ? He says his wife sent him a picture of her friend receiving Bhagavatam set from me in Decatur Patel brothers and asked him to get a sb set for her. I showed him English and Gujarati Bhagavatam sets so he can choose one but he wanted to take both sets since he is driving. What are the chances ? All this happened in 5 mins while I was just hearing a live class from Vaisesika prabhu from Japan. Sankirtan is fun & easy(20 ) Shastrakrit Das - This gentleman man from NY came up to my table... | Facebook
- Inflationary Theory from a Vaishnava Perspective -...
- A Mathematical Model of Perception Based on S%u010...
- The Amplituhedron: A Potential Framework for the E...
- Sri Abhirama Thakura Disappearance | Ramai Swami
- H.H Bhakti Anugraha Janardana Swami - SB - 10.57.1...
- Bhakti Vision: Devotee Care Course in New York! - ...
- Science as Yogic Meditation in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa
- Pre-creation, Entropy, and the Arrow of Time in th...
- Exploring Worldviews Challenging Fundamental Princ...
- Cosmogony: Ingredients for Making a Successful Uni...
- The Flow of Causality Before the Big Bang- Doug Wa...
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- 27Apr2024 | CC Madhya 10.176-177 | Taruna Krishna ...
- Real peace in the world | Radhanath Swami - YouTube
- Radio Mayapur with Guest Ramai Swami - YouTube
- 27th Annual Vaishnava-Christian Dialogue Meets in ...
- Remembering Śilavati Devi Dasi
- SB 3.14.30 - HG Anirudha Das - 30 April 2024 - You...
- H.H Radha Raman Swami Maharaj SB_8.15_30.04.2024 -...
- Cow Care is Earth Care - HH Krishna Kshetra Swami ...
- Chant like Madmen, 2024 King's Day Harinama, Amste...
- Fixing the key springs squeaking noise - YouTube
- Sunday love Feast Class at Midrand Johannesburg - ...
- Gauranga Prabhu - Sunday Feast - 4-28-24 - YouTube
- H.G Sruta Kirti Prabhu CC Adi Lila_1.3.79 - YouTube
- Yoga and Animal Ethics - HH Krishna Kshetra Swami ...
- The Best and Worst of Japa
- Sanskrit's Nature And History
- Leaders Like Salt
- Bond of Love Interview Series: HG Kamalini devi da...
- H.G. Daivi Shakti Mataji_Srila Prabhupada Lilamrit...
- Śrimad Bhāgavatam 3.30.18 | HG Hamsarūpa Prabhu
- Young Devotee Couple Cultivating Krishna Conscious...
- Diverse Paths, Unified Wisdom | Lincoln, England |...
- Morning Class SB 7.15.54 - HG Radhika Devi dasi - ...
- Srimad Bhagavatam (Text - 3.5.37 - 38) Speaker - H...
- Singing and dancing in the rain with the Hare Kris...
- SB 1.1.14 HH Bhakti Prabhava Maharaja
- Krishna Katha | H.G. Vaisesika Dasa | 2024-04-27 |...
- ISKCON Vrindavan Extension - YouTube
- Gauranga Prabhu - SB 3-23-11 - 4-27-24 - YouTube
- Jayananda Prabhu's Appearance Day - Giriraj Swami
- A Divine Celebration in Mayapur Dham | Appearance ...
- Getting real with Amogh Lila Prabhu
- Mayapur English Talk Show- Sarvabhouma Das(ACBSP) ...
- 740427 - Lecture BG 07.01 - Hyderabad - Vanisource
- Mukunda-datta Prabhu - SB 3-23-10 - 4-26-24 - YouTube
- Shaurya Chakra Colonel DPK Pillai is visited templ...
- ISKCON Dublin- Friday Night Bhagavad Gita Class an...
- UJ University Program - YouTube
- The Pandavas morale goes up and down - Gita Verses...
- Srila Prabhupada discusses the early days of Back ...
- Energies of Lord Krishna
- What is essential anyway?
- 2024-04-26 [Success Sadhana] - Tapping the Fourth ...
- SB 10.14.41, Live ISKCON Ljubljana, Slovenia - You...
- Nagar Sankirtan | 5 April 2024 | Maharashtra Paday...
- Ajnata-sukriti: The Mystery of Unintentional Devotion
- Our Dream Life
- ISKCON Auckland 2024. Books,prasadam,Harinam!
- April 16, 2024 - Carpinteria - Rama Navami Lecture...
- 2024-04-21 HH Bhakti Prabhupada Varta Damodara Sun...
- Alachua Temple Live: ATL 2024-04-20 Pundarika Vidy...
- Apr 24, 2024 | Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami - You...
- HG Tapan Mishra Das | SB 4.14.10 - YouTube
- Srimad Bhagavatam Class by HG Radheshyam Prabhu - ...
- H.G. Panca Gauda Prabhu_SB-10.57.3_26.04.2024 - Yo...
- Stimulation for Ecstatic Love Part 75 - A Story Of...
- Narada instructs Vyasadeva - Srimad Bhagavatam #5 ...
- SB 10.6.23 HG Hridaya Caitanya Prabhu #iskcon #har...
- SB 1.18.14 by HH Candramauli Swami - 24th April '2...
- We Are Mercy Cases in Kaliyuga | Prayers | Mahatma...
- Cow Significance || HG Shyamasundar Dasa || ISKCON...
- Hanuman Jayanti, ISKCON Phoenix, 23 April 2024, HH...
- His Holiness Radhanath Swami tells us what are the...
- You Bet Your Life
- How Much Can You Tolerate?
- Sickness A Friend and Teacher
- SB 3.14.36 - HH Devamrita Swami - 25 April 2024 - ...
- Groups Galore! Bhaktivedanta Manor
- Walk through of KBCC - YouTube
- Kirtan Time Vol 1 - YouTube
- Srila Prabhupada - Bhagavad-gita 7.1 (Enhanced, 68...
- One Day Vaishnavi Padayatra in Alibag city | Iskco...
- Balarama’s Protection, Pilgrimage and Peacemaking
- Rādhā-kuṇḍa Prakaṭa fesztivál. Budapest
- 23Apr2024 | SB 3.4.30 | Niskincana Caitanya Das - ...
- Bhakti Vision: Sankirtan in New York - YouTube
- Bhanu Swami Live - Nectar of Instruction Seminar 1...
- Sri Balarama Rasa-yatra - Giriraj Swami
- SB 10.65.1 HH Janananda Goswami Maharaja #iskcon #...
- Srimad Bhagavatam (Text 3/5/29) Speaker - HH Bhakt...
- Celebrating the appearance of Lord Hanuman Bhaktiv...
- Long-awaited Bambous Preaching Center Opens on the...
- Let Go and Let God | SB 6.5.38 | Cologne, Germany ...
- Exciting things on the horizon for ISKCON Brisbane
- Bhaktivedanta Manor | Class - YouTube
- We Have Found the Enemy - YouTube