Holy Name Immersion 2024 / Opening Class - YouTube

Holy Name Immersion 2024 / Opening Class - YouTube: In this lecture of Holy Name Immersion 2024, Sacinandana Swami speaks about the Holy Name and the process through which one can create an immersive space to begin to chant the Holy Name. Holy Name is the sound vibrational avatar of Krishna (Naam Avatar) who descends from the spiritual world to ours to show mercy. Anyone who chants the Holy Name finds blissful shelter under this avatar, by attaining the lotus feet of Krishna. Sacinandana Swami explains the key to such sincere chanting is a stepwise process of first developing a relationship with the Holy Name and then deepening this relationship while also chanting with humility, sincerity, love and affection (Sneha Samyukta). Through such sincere chanting one goes deeper into their spiritual practice, which happens by not creating something new but rather by becoming who we truly are. To find who we truly are, Sacinandana Swami encourages listeners to enter into a space where we leave behind our old habits and patterns, and enter into a new space where we set new habits, and re-discover our relation to the Divine Couple.


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