Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Prabhupāda's Appearance Day Lecture by Srila Prabhupada

His Divine Grace %u015Ar%u012Bla Bhaktisiddh%u0101nta Sarasvat%u012B Gosv%u0101m%u012B Prabhup%u0101da's Appearance Day Lecture: So when he was three years or four years old, he took one mango from the Deity room and ate it. So Bhaktivinoda %u1E6Ch%u0101kura said, "Oh, you have done a great wrong thing. You have taken the mango of the Deity before offering Him? It is a great offense." The child took it very seriously, and my Guru Mah%u0101r%u0101ja never took mango throughout his whole life. Whenever mango was offered, he would say, "Oh, I am a offender. I cannot take that." You see?


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