Meet the saint of the Lower East Side, serving 150 plates of delicious Prasadam 5 days a week at NY’s Tompkins Square Park (19 photos)

Had the opportunity to visit NY and reconnected with dear Adi after 14 or so years. He's the saint of the Lower East Side, serving 150 plates of delicious Prasadam 5 days a week at, of all places, Tompkins Square Park. He is a brilliant manager and organizer and the sweetest, kindest and most compassionate devotee. He's been distributing Prasadam for at least 12 years. What's truly amazing is how he engages so many non devotees in this service and how some of them take to Krishna Consciousness. I was both inspired and humbled in his association. If you're ever in the city stop by and see him, you won't regret it. Read more ›


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