February 27. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily…

February 27. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: The Art of Prabhupada Prayer.
Devotees suggest that one should pray to Prabhupada. We use this word “pray” frequently in Krishna consciousness. “Pray to Prabhupada.” But what does it really mean? How do you do it?
One way to pray to Prabhupada is to sit in a place where his presence can be felt intensely, such as his samadhi mandir, or in his rooms at Radha-Damodara Temple, or we may go to a place where he performed some pastime that is easy to meditate on. We can then attempt to engage in sustained conversation with him. We can help ourselves by making notes on a piece of paper first, or we can just sit quietly, although our minds will have a greater tendency to wander. We could also sit in our chosen spot and chant japa, although there are specific advantages to planning our prayer-time ahead of time and going prepared to spend that time with Prabhupada.
Prayer to Prabhupada presumes that we have the faith that he is present and that he can hear our prayers. It also presumes that we have the faith he will bless us in our endeavors on his behalf. The Lord and Prabhupada already know what is in our hearts; technically, we don’t need to pray to report to them. But we want to speed things up the way Narada Muni sped things up in Krishna’s pastimes. We need to speed things up because our time in this body is short and we have a lot of distance to travel. We are not satisfied with our progress. There are also immediate points and crises and times and pathways facing us with different, alternative routes to take on the road. We need to pray for direction.
To read the entire article click here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=20490&page=5


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