March 1. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…

March 1. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: His Lectures.
Prabhupada’s lectures were always of a good quality, although he never prepared them. Usually he went to the engagements without having chosen a topic, although, if a club or organization requested a topic, he would agree to it. Neither did he ever appear nervous or uncertain of what he would say, yet he writes with joy in his diary for February 1966: “Today’s meeting was attended by a greater number of members than other days.”
His preparation was his total commitment to Krishna consciousness. In that sense, he was more prepared than any speaker on any topic. He lived and breathed Krishna consciousness twenty-four hours a day. There was no question of his speaking about anything else. In one lecture at Northeastern University in 1968, Prabhupada began, “Thank you very much for allowing me to take this opportunity to glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” That was always his topic – glorifying Krishna. His speeches always appeared well thought out because he had such realization of his topic.
Prabhupada’s main emphasis was to present Krishna consciousness; therefore, he was sometimes concerned about his audience and was prepared to address their particular concerns. At other times, however, he was not. When reporters asked their hackneyed questions, Prabhupada often springboarded off their questions to his own points of interest in the philosophy. Similarly, he would give lectures to particular groups, but remain the irrepressible Prabhupada. He was independent.
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