Gunagrahi das Goswami Health Update – Official. Written by…

Gunagrahi das Goswami Health Update - Official.
Written by Mahahari das and Gandharvika devi dasi
Dear Devotees, family and well wishers,
Please accept our obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and His Holiness Gunagrahi das Goswami.
My Husband and I both spoke to His Holiness Gunagrahi Maharaja today.
After undergoing his second MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) it was discovered that the cancer has gotten worse. It has not spread to new areas of the body, but has gained strength in existing areas. He is also experiencing increased pain throughout the body, especially in the areas of the tumor near the spine. He is in good spirits and plans to continue the treatments for now. He will be in contact with the doctors, medical professionals and senior devotees as to what he plans to do next. We ask that the devotees please pray for his well being and that he may suffer the least pain possible.
Due to the intense situation, he will be minimizing even more his email, and we request that devotees only write him positive communication if necessary.
As requested in a previous update, he welcomes 30 second video greetings. Please send those to:
Your servants,
Mahahari das and Gandharvika devi dasi


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