Global Duties & Responsibilities of the GBC – Executing Srila Prabhupada’s Will

Hare KrishnaBy the GBC

This document describes the collective service of the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. The listed functions derive primarily from Srila Prabhupada’s direct instructions. Some details have been shaped, however, by insights gained over decades of observation and experience. The GBC members collaborate to fulfill their various global responsibilities and individually contribute according to their capacity, area of expertise, personal inclination, and specific requirements. It is not expected that every member will display excellence in every aspect; at the same time, absorption in and loyalty to the core elements of Srila Prabhupada’s mood and mission are expected from every GBC member. In fulfilling its mandate, the Body shall involve as many qualified assistants as necessary to accomplish its duties, organizing them in as many offices, ministries, and departments as required.


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