Sripad Aindra Prabhu Appearance Day

Hare KrishnaBy Iskcon vrindavan

Born and brought up in the countryside in America, in a very liberal household, Sripad Aindra Prabhu was from his very childhood an expert musician and was inclined towards spiritual realization. Although in his childhood he was exposed to various influences of this age of kali, as soon as he came into the association of devotees, within a very short span of time he gave up all his relations in this material world and took the process of Krishna consciousness to heart. In the year 1973, Aindra Prabhu joined the International society for Krishna consciousness and dedicated his entire life to the movement for the pleasure of his spiritual master Srila Prabhupad. In the beginning years he was engaged in distributing books, performing sankirtan and also helping with deity worship, till the year 1986, when he visited Mayapur for the festival marking the 500 hundred years of Mahaprabhu’s birth. In Mayapur he had a desire to start a travelling Sankirtan party but for various reasons this idea of his did not manifest and he came to Sri Vrindavan dham, where he was to spend the rest of his life in the service to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar.


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