Astrological compatibility. Kadamba Kanana Swami: If you do…

Astrological compatibility.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: If you do marry, then be careful that whoever you marry is a devotee. Whatever you do, do not marry a non-devotee. That would be the worst thing to do because then it will be goodbye to yourself! You can say goodbye to the self you were because that is surely a way to go down!
People spend hours and hours matching astrological charts and sometimes you get a ninety percent match! Anyway, that gives you ten percent opportunity to give each other hell; that is also there. But beyond that ninety percent match, are you both chanting Hare Krsna? That is more important than all the astrology and all the karma. Even if the charts do not match, if you are both serious about being devotees, about vaisnava etiquette and if you are willing to offer obeisances and approach each other like devotees, then you might just transcend those bad charts, even if there is Rahu! Prabhupada said that Krsna can kick out millions of Rahus. So, the real criteria for compatibility is how serious are we about devotional service.

Sometimes, a few planets collide, create a little fireworks and almost the destruction of the universe; that can happen… But, what if your planets match really well and you are so happily together, in maya! It can be a great match and you have never had an argument at all, okay great, but how Krsna conscious was it? “Well, we are trying!” When anyone says they are trying, it means that they are not doing. Trying means that we are not doing it!

So, we should make a realistic choice and we fill in the grhasta ashram with Krsna. Our house is a holy place. Our house is a place that reminds us of Krsna and in the house, there is so much prasadam and in the house, there are always guests and in the house, we have many things but they are all Krsna conscious things so whenever we come home, we get so much nourishment. In that way, the grihasta ashram is very nice because one can very nicely make spiritual advancement.

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