Rathayatra Makes Devotees! Hello, my name is Ian Somerville. I…

Rathayatra Makes Devotees!
Hello, my name is Ian Somerville. I am a devoted young man in search of true enlightenment. Throughout the course of my life, I have personally studied and practiced many world religions. But the one that ignited that withered flame was Krishna consciousness.
During my spiritual journey, I have read many religious texts, but none can compare to the Bhagavad Gita. This book is not a Shakespearean playwright or a book of dreamy poetry, but a book in which Krishna, the supreme being, god of all gods, truly shows us how we can gain a life of spiritual perfection. Within the boundaries he has set in place for us He shows how to separate our material and spiritual worlds. Without a spiritual world, there can be no material world.
Let me give you a brief tour into a recent miraculous event that occurred for me. Recently, I had checked out a copy of Bhagavad Gita from the library. Following that I prayed ‘God, please give me a sign that this is the path I should pursue’. Two days later I happened to be walking down the Baltimore Inner Harbor and as I turned around I saw a sign that read, ‘Festival of India’. So I walked to the event, turned around, and before my two eyes I saw the sign, ‘Bhagavad Gita’! My prayers were answered almost immediately.
Everyone who has grown up has to find an identity, not only that but a personal faith. May Krishna bless all.
Don’t ever forget to chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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