Vaisesika Dasa: A letter to my dear false ego…

Vaisesika Dasa: My dear false ego,
It has taken me quite some time to find the courage to write you this letter, and I realize that it may come to you as a surprise since we have been together for so long and we’ve been through so much.
I know also that I’m the one who started this relationship in the first place, but I’ve changed. I now know that what we had was unhealthy: especially my depending on you to watch and appreciate every move that I made, and your telling me that I was great, wise, clever and so on, even when I wasn’t.
The fact is, I’ve met someone who has changed my life by showing me how to serve Krsna who resides in my heart and who “grants contentment in exchange for even a shadow of devotion, who oversees the principles of righteousness, and who delivers the universe with His names”; by being true to Krsna, I’ll be fully happy and satisfied and will have no reason to embellish who I am or what I’ve done.

(This post has been viewed 625 times so far)


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