Generally people reach the ages of 55 to 65 and gradually retire. But two devotees in the Los Angeles temple, Bhrgupati Prabhu and Sacitanoy Prabhu, now 68 and 67, respectively, are a sankirtan team. They go out daily on book distribution, except on weekends, and do huge. Recently, these two non-decrepit book distributors were in the top twenty worldwide. Brghupati is No. 6 for November, with 4,328 book points, and Saci Tanoy is No. 19, with 1,270 book points. They are good examples of what Srila Prabhupada wanted: devotees who dedicate their lives to the spreading of Krsna consciousness. Bhrgupati has been distributing since 1973 and Sacitanoy since 1979 (in Spanish and English). When you see Bhrgupati distributing, it's amazing. He has the energy of a teenager and ageless enthusiasm. I hope that they both continue for more years being great examples of devotees who give their all, from youth through old age, for Krishna's pleasure.