There are two forms of bhakti: cestā-rūpa and bhāva-rūpa bhakti, as distinguished by Rūpa Gosvāmī. Cestā-rūpa -bhakti is the external form of bhakti, the activity you perform with your body and senses. These are the 64 practices of devotional service described in the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu. The second kind of bhakti – bhāva-rūpa bhakti – is what is going on in your heart, the feelings. Bhakti remains incomplete without these two manifestations: the efforts of the senses and a devotional feeling which arises in the heart and mind. Cestā-rūpa, external activities, is the body of bhakti, but bhāva-rūpa, the devotional sentiments, is the heart of bhakti.
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